Abortion! The Ultimate Child Abuse!
Banner 1A & B

I am a Child, not a Choice
Banner 2K

It is a Poverty that a Child Must Die...
Banner 4

Created for Life not Choice
Banner 6K

BLM 1st in the Womb
Banner 7K

Life! The 1st Inalienable Right
Banner 8R

Antes de Formarte
Banner 9Alt

I Am Your Creator...
Banner 10

Take My Hand Not My Life!
Banner 11

Pray to End Abortion's Prejudice...
Banner 12

Choose to Give Your Baby Life!
Banner 13

Blessed Your Children Within You
Banner 14

I {God} Will demand Accounting for Life
Banner 15K

Some Gifts only God can Give!
Banner 16

God Has a Plan, I Am Part of It!
Banner 17

Pray for the Unborn
Banner 18A

Protect the Unborn from an Abortionist's Greed!
Banner 19

PP Separates Children
Banner 20 Alt

Protect the Unborn Children
Banner 21

Each unborn child has a unique message
Banner 22K

Defend the Unborn
Banner 23

La Vida Es Preciosa - Pregnant Woman
Banner 24

I am Life, I am Promise!
Banner 25

La Vida es Preciosa
Banner 26R

Most Important Right
Banner 27A&B

Adoption gives unborn a Chance
Banner 28K

Give Life a Chance
Banner 30K

Never be Another Me!
Banner 31K

Children are a Gift, from God
Banner 32

What kind of world sacrifices its Unborn Children?
Banner 33

Abortion is forever, get the facts first (Pregnant Woman)
Banner 35

If You're Pregnant It's A Baby
Banner 38

Adoption Shares Love
Banner 40

Before I Formed You in the Womb
Banner 41R

Celebrate Life Because it's Precious
Banner 43

Los Ninos Son Un Regalo de Dios
Banner 44R

Before I formed you in the womb (Pregnant Woman)
Banner 47

Choose to Give Your Baby Life!
Banner 49

God Loves Every Child
Banner 50

Adoption A Loving Option
Banner 51

Some Gifts Only God Can Give
Banner 52 - duplicate of 16

Abortion stops beating heart

Adoption, A Loving Choice
Banner 55

Respect Life from Conception to Natural Death
Banner 56

Some Gifts Only God Can Give
Banner 57A (sea green)

There will never be another me!
Banner 58

Abortion One Heart Stops Another Breaks
Banner 59

Life Savers Choose Pro Life
Banner 60R

PP separates children from parents forever
Banner 61alt

Who Will Speak Up for the Little Ones?
Banner 62

Unborn have no CHOICE
Banner 63K

Life Begins at Conception
Banner 64

Adoption Kills a Baby Every 24 Seconds
Banner 65

Blessed Children within you
Banner 66Alt

Adoption A Choice Everyone Can Live With
Banner 67

Vote Pro Life - Alphabet Blocks
Banner 68

Created in God's Image
Banner 70K

Alive Unique in God's Plan
Banner 71

Every Child Deserves a Chance
Banner 73

Pro Choice is not Pro Child
Banner 75

Abortion is About Unborn Children...
Banner 76

Pro-Choice Gives Life No Choice
Banner 77K

Defend the Unborn be Pro-Life
Banner 78

Abortion is Man's Choice...
Banner 79

Pray for All Abortion's Victims
Banner 80R

Abortion! Woe to Those Who Call Evil Good
Banner 81

Abortion is a Forever Choice
Banner 82

Abortion is Never the Right Choice
Banner 83

Abortion_Woe to Those calling evil good
Banner 85K

Crisis Pregnancy Help Lines
Banner 86K

Crisis Pregnancy Help Lines
Banner 87K

Abortion makes womb only home
Banner 88K

Abortion separates mothers from Children
Banner 89K

Some Gifts Only God can Give_Spanish
Banner 91K

Life Begins at Conception_Spanish
Banner 92